'but somewhere along the way,
we abandon our dreams, forget our dreams".......
~Dosage III: Beautiful Dreamer

I will say as an artist, I feel I have grown year after year since entering the music game, green eyed, in 2004. I feel my music has a purpose and have helped many, but not on the scale that I would like. I feel like at times there is a wall that permits me from going forward and I have no idea what it is. I guess thats the part that hurts me to my core. Knowing that I have this gift of singing and songwriting and not the proper platform to share it. Thats when the thought comes in that maybe this is it. And then I have performances that are golden and highlight that this is what I'm supposed to be doing.
Then the other thought that Dreams and Purposes are not all fairy tales filled with wispy clouds twirling around, comes in. They take work, dedication, sacrifice, and balance. But when is enough enough is the question? Just sharing my thoughts and feelings... would love to hear your thoughts.
In growth, in love, in healing,
Green Tea